Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rollyo - ACL week 5

Well,I have my own little celebrity gossip search engine,searching from my favourite sites.. It can be seen right down the bottom of my blog page! With my rollyo,you can search from 3 engines(?is that what they are called?): Rose's roll (my own personal search engine), Celebrity gossip and Top news.

Rollyo is a fantastic way to research.So much of what you stumble across online is not always accurate - this way you can get your information from only tried and trusted places! As my rollyo is all about gossip,it wouldn't really matter if I got the wrong information,but for serious research this would be great.

LibraryThing catalogue ACL Learning week5

I have my very own LibraryThing catalogue! now lets see if I can link it here.. (is the URL at least,it doesn't seem to have made a link,maybe after I publish this post??)

I like how LibraryThink can connect you to other people who like the same books - a fantastic way for me to discover new books I might like!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

online generators ACL week 5

Online generators are great fun! I could spend hours fiddling around with these.. Above is my personalised chocolate bar,yum.. and above that is my smiley creature..
Now just to let you know, both times I have tried to put up my photos from my weekend away there has been some kind of error with blogger.I put them up on facebook instead!

Monday, October 15, 2007


well.. I have just returned to tamaki makau rau after a mini-break weekend - 2 nights in the cutest batch right on Lake Tarawera, ahhhh indeed.. ! soo nice to get away,I honestly can't remember the last time I got out of aK for some nights (actually I can - when I went with Helena on sales trip to Welly late'06),ages ago anyways.. so me and muzzy were in need of a holiday..

Big shout to uncle Waz for looking after our princess!we missed her..
And to peppy the pulsar,who despite some wOF issues (all sorted,thanks to the bestest mechanic/panelbeaters/whatever on Dom Road) ran like a sweet little dream..

Got some good pix which I will post up here somewhere when I get them onto the computer! of some little ducklings and swans,stinky thermal bubbly mud.... well,you shall see!

And I would also like to say hi to my darling mum,and too all the other roses out there who like to ramble,especially my namesake the phoenixRose!

Friday, October 5, 2007

i like.... digital cameras!

here is my belated technology related blog about the joys of digital cameras.I have only recently come to grips with digital cameras,and after teaching the digital photography class with Glenn I now know lots!
I think it is fantastic how the need for actual hard copy prints becomes less and less - you can just see them all on your computer.Or,from a photosharing website such as flickr or digimax.I think it is much easier to share your photos with friends these days.You can just attach them to an email,or direct your friends to your flickr page.
I also like how easy it is to upload photos to facebook and myspace - there are so many places on the web where you can store your photos! Personally I always like to keep them saved to disc because you never know what might crash or go under on the internet.
I also really like that I can take photos on my cell phone too! You don't always have a camera with you,but you always have your phone - no photo opportunity wasted

my mash up! ACL Learning

My creation
Originally uploaded by r_allan05
here we go.... ?!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


I see I have neglected to look at any any flickr mash ups! I shall do this, and a blog about something technology related (what a broad topic)! I saw Annie's mash up ( on her themadnessofhamsters blog) and it looks great.. I thought I was all up to date but I do seem to have skipped a bit, sorry about that..

While it is quiet on the desk I shall investigate this mash up business.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I love bloglines!! ACL Learning 2.0 week 4

Well I've changed my tune! Have got a handle on bloglines and its great.. I have subscribed to 9 feeds so far,including the ACL Learning feed and some of my colleagues' blogs.
But while I am very impressed with all this RSS business, part of what I like about the internet is trawling through the junk.. ! Bloglines makes for less surfing of the internet, but then I suppose you can surf your way around bloglines.

For busy people (who isn't these days?), bloglines makes it so easy to keep up to date with your favourite blogs/feeds,all on the one screen at the same time.

My public Bloglines URL is:

I am going to have lots of fun with this!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Bloglines.. ?! ACL learning 2.0

Okaay.. well i have set up a bloglines account.I am struggling to understand how it all works! i need to check out the discovery resources,I think..

But so far... I must say I don't really find it a problem,sifting through the junk on websites to find the info I am looking for.Maybe I will eat my words when I suss out exactly what are RSS news feeds and how this bloglines thing actually works.Keep you all posted!
